Blandede forventninger til afstemning i Sudan: FN understreger uafhængighed

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Til næste år skal Sydsudan efter planen stemme om sin uafhængighed. Et potentielt højspændt emne, hvor FNs upartiskhed på det seneste er blevet anfægtet. Det fik i dag Ban Ki-moon til at tilbagevise rapporter i medierne om, at FN på forhånd skulle arbejde for sydsudannesisk selvstændighed. Generalsekrætæren gjorde det klart, at FN vil arbejde for at støtte parterne i deres bestræbelser på at ‘gøre enhed attraktivt’ samt støtte befolkningen i det sydlige Sudan for deres ret til selvbestemmelse.

The United Nations has taken no position on next year’s referendum on independence for southern Sudan, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon underscored today as he refuted recent media reports to the contrary.
– The Secretary-General made clear that the United Nations would work to support the parties in their efforts to ‘make unity attractive’ as well as the exercise by the people of Southern Sudan of their right to self-determination in a referendum, his spokesperson said in a statement.
Mr. Ban has also stressed that the world body will endeavour to avoid any “potential negative consequences” following the referendum.
Next year’s vote is among the key milestones of the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), the pact between the National Congress Party (NCP) and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) that ended the long-running north-south civil war.

– Any suggestion that the United Nations may have taken a position that may pre-judge the outcome of such a referendum is incorrect, today’s statement emphasized.

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