Afghanistan: 10 “danske” skoler aldrig fuldført – og tab efter tip fra sladrehank

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Det fremgår af en nylig underretning til Rigsrevisionen fra Danidas kontor for kvalitetssikring og teknisk support. Den lyder som følger:

Journalnummer Kontor

2015 – 16908


Jobid: 1000083

KFU 2016-03-31

C 1332

Suspected misuse of Danish funds in the Afghan Ministry of Education

Reference is made to previous report dated 13 July 2015 regarding the value-for-money investigation of the Danish support to the school construction component of the Education Support Programme to Afghanistan (ESPA) managed by the Afghan Ministry of Education and regarding anonymous accusations.

Based on the School Construction Monitor’s final report and the recent financial updates from Ministry of Education, 21 school constructions out of 33 identified for monitoring have been completed.

Due to the deteriorated security situation in Helmand province, some works on two school constructions could not be carried out. Still, these two schools are functional and have been handed over to the Ministry of Education.

The construction of four schools has been cancelled at different stages due to serious quality problems, extensive delays in the commencement of construction works or emerging security problems.

Regarding six schools the construction has not been completed as of 31 December 2015, which is when the Danish bilateral education programme ended with no possibilities for further extension.

The Ministry of Education will find other sources to complete these constructions.

There have been no further anonymous accusations from the whistleblower regarding the alleged misuse of funds.

However, irregular payments of salary for technical assistance amounting to DKK 4,233,060 (USD 616,163) have been identified by an external consultant. These involve ineligible (ikke kvalificerede) cost and payments in excess of the approved budget.

Consequently, a similar amount was withheld from the last transfer of funds.

The Ministry of Education will send its response to these irregularities, and based on this a decision will be made on whether to release some or all of the funds that have been withheld.

The Afghan Ministry of Education will keep the Embassy in Kabul updated on the progress of the completion of the ESPA constructions.

A follow-up report will be forwarded when there are further developments in the case.

Yours Sincerely,

Hanne Fritzen

Senior Consultant

Quality and Technical Support


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