CAR: Tusinder på flugt under nye kampe

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Sidste vinters angreb fra oprørskoalitionen Séléka kan være genoptaget med kampe i hovedstaden Bangui. FN opfordrer myndighederne til at beskytte civile mens tusinder er på flugt.

BANGUI, 29. august 2013 (UN News Centre): According to UNHCR, over the past 10 days arbitrary arrests, detention, torture, extortion, armed robberies, physical violence, restriction of movement, lootings and other attacks on civilians have displaced thousands of people. The agency said those affected, mainly from the Boy-Rabe and Boeing neighbourhoods, are seeking refuge in other parts of the capital.

As of this morning more than 5,000 people, including many women and children fleeing Boeing district, had taken refuge at Bangui International airport, blocking the runaway and forcing flights to be rerouted to Cameroon.

“We urge the authorities to use all means to stop attacks against civilians, restore security and protect the population,” said Liz Ahua, the deputy director of UN Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees’ (UNHCR) Bureau for Africa.