Dansk NGO bestyrtet over misbrug af projektmidler i Swaziland

Forfatter billede

NGOen Afrika Kontakt har standset alt samarbejde med “National Ex-Miners Association” (SNEMA) i Swaziland i det sydlige Afrika efter at det er konstateret, at tre fremstående medarbejdere har anvendt projektmidler for 110.000 kr. til egen vinding.

Det skriver Afrika Kontakt i en pressemeddelelse onsdag. NGOen, der bor på Nørrebro i København, har været virksom med demokratistøtte i det lille land mellem Sydafrika og Mozambique i flere år. 

NGOen skriver, at den er “oprørt og bestyrtet” over misbruget, som er begået af den absolutte topledelse i mineforbundet. Midlerne er bevilget af Danida og 110.000 kr. er mange penge i et fattigt u-land.

Det hedder videre på engelsk:

The three responsible for the abuse is; Mr. Ndlavela Dlamini (President of SNEMA), Ms. Nomcebo Myeni( General Secretary of SNEMA) and Mr. Cebisamadoda Nxumalo (Project Coordinator employed by SNEMA).

They have individually and collectively misused project funds allocated for an Afrika Kontakt funded project.

Funds Afrika Kontakt received from the Danish Foreign Ministry.

These are Project funds which should have been used to strengthen SNEMA and change the lives for thousands of former mineworkers, who are members of SNEMA and who to a large extent are the real victims of this abuse (misbrug).

Opdagede det på grund af de mistænktes opførsel

Neither Afrika Kontakt, nor the remaining leadership of SNEMA had any knowledge of the abuse conducted by the three individuals, until it became painstakingly obvious due to the behavior of the three individuals involved.

We must also inform that the three mentioned individuals should under no circumstances possess paid or unpaid positions in any organization Afrika Kontakt supports financially.

Furthermore organizations in Swaziland and beyond, currently receiving support from any Danish Organization cannot have any of the three involved in the abuse hired, elected, selected, announced or in other ways affiliated in paid or unpaid positions.

Afrika Kontakt together with the current leadership of SNEMA are doing everything in our power to obtain the funds abused.

Måske bedst at få en hel ny ledelse….

Although it is not possible for Afrika Kontakt to work with SNEMA in the future, we hope that the organization will develop systems, policies and structures, perhaps even electing a new leadership of SNEMA, which will ensure that such abuse or misuse of funds does not happen again.

This would be very important, as we, Afrika Kontakt, have also noticed the important role members of this organization play in uplifting the standard of living for its members. Hence we raise the need for the organization to continue with its important work.

Afrika Kontakt has informed the appropriate Danish authorities regarding the issue.

In view of this case, Afrika Kontakt have initiated a review of our internal procedures. This will done in cooperation with our partners in Africa, slutter redegørelsen.

Yderligere oplysninger hos:

Sekretariatsleder Morten Nielsen, Afrika Kontakt

tlf. 35 35 92 32 og mobil 25 39 65 57