EU forlænger politi-missionen i Afghanistan

Laurits Holdt

EUs ministerråd har forlænget politi-missionen i Afghanistan frem til udgangen af 2014. De europæiske politifolk, herunder også danske, arbejder med at uddanne og opkvalificere det afghanske politi.

Monday the Council of the European Union extended the EU police mission in Afghanistan (EUPOL Afghanistan) until 31 December 2014. It also allocated a budget of €108 million for the period from 1 June 2013 until the end of 2014.

EUPOL Afghanistan helps the Afghan authorities to develop their civilian policing capacities.

The mission contributes to the establishment of sustainable and effective civilian policing under Afghan ownership and to strengthening the links between the police and the justice sector. It delivers leadership and specialised training and mentors and advises the Afghan ministries of the interior and justice and the Attorney General’s office.

The mission has approximately 350 international and 200 local staff, coming from 23 member states as well as from Croatia and Canada. Police Commissioner Karl Åke Roghe from Sweden has been Head of Mission since August 2012.

This civilian mission, under the Common Security and Defence Policy, is part of the overall EU commitment to Afghanistan. The EU will continue in the coming years its assistance to Afghanistan’s development, including in the area of the rule of law.

Factsheet om EUPOL Afghanistan:

EUPOL-Afghanistans websted: