EU-statistik: Over 625.000 asylsøgere til Europa i 2014

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I 2014 år søgte i alt 626.000 om asyl i Europa, viser nye tal fra Eurostat. Det er næsten 200.000 flere end i 2013. Hver femte person, der rejste til EU i håb om asyl, kom fra Syrien, og i 11 ud af de 28 medlemslande var der flest syrere blandt asylsøgerne. 

Tyskland og Sverige var de to lande, som modtog flest syrere – 60 procent af de godt 120.000, der kom til Europa.

Selv om Danmark langt fra er det land, som har modtaget flest asyllanter, er antallet alligevel fordoblet over de to sidste år fra godt 7.000 til godt 14.000.

Hvis man deler året op i kvartaler, faldt antallet af ansøgere dog med 47 procent i de tre sidste måneder af 2014, skrev Jyllands-Posten i weekenden.

Eurostat skriver (på engelsk):

Over a year, the number of asylum applicants registered in the European Union (EU) has increased by 191 000 (+44%) to reach a peak of 626000 in 2014. In particular, the number of Syrians rose by 72000, from 50000 in 2013 to almost 123 000 in 2014. 
These data on asylum applicants in the EU are published in a report3 issued by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union. 

In 2014, the highest number of applicants was registered by far in Germany (202700, or 32 per cent of total applicants), followed by Sweden (81200, or 13 per cent), Italy (64600, or 10 per cent), France (62800, or 10 per cent) and Hungary (42800, or seven per cent.

It should be noted that these five Member States registered different trends last year. The number of asylum applicants in 2014 more than doubled compared with 2013 in Italy (+143 per cent) and Hungary (+126 per cent) and increased significantly in Germany (+60 per cent) and Sweden (+50 per cent), while it decreased by five per cent in France.

Compared with the population of each Member State, the highest rates of registered applicants were recorded in Sweden (8.4 applicants per thousand inhabitants), well ahead of Hungary (4.3), Austria (3.3), Malta (3.2), Denmark (2.6) and Germany (2.5).

In contrast, the lowest rates were observed in Portugal, Slovakia and Romania. In 2014, there were 1.2 asylum applicants per thousand inhabitants in the EU. 

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