Færre afghanske flygtninge vender hjem

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Færre flygtninge fra Afghanistan i nabolandene vender tilbage, hvor de kom fra. Årsagen er problemer med at finde husly, manglende sundhed og faciliteter og sikkerhedssituationen flere steder i landet.

Resettlement challenges in Afghanistan have discouraged refugees living in neighbouring countries from going home, with 60,000 returning in the past 10 months against 100,000 during the same period last year, officials said to IRIN News, Wednesday.

“The most important [reasons] relate to lack of opportunities for livelihoods and shelter, but also due to insecurity in some parts of the country,” Nader Farhad, a spokesperson for the UN Refugee Agency, UNHCR, told IRIN in the capital, Kabul.

A lack of clinics, drinking water and poor education facilities in their places of origin were also among the reasons for the refugees not wanting to return, Farhad added.

Nearly three million registered Afghan refugees live across the region, including 1.7 million in Pakistan and one million in Iran. UNHCR is calling for international support to help returnees settle back in their homeland.