Forbereder sig på det værste i Libyen

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Efter FNs vedtagelse af flyveforbud i Libyen forbereder hjælpeorganisationer i nabolandene sig på det værst tænkelige. Situationen er uforudsigelig.

Flyveforbuddet og mulige NATO-bombninger i Libyen kan medføre store flygtningestrømme fra Libyen til nabolandene Tunesien og Egypten.

Men om det sker, er umuligt at forudse. Alligevel forsøger bl.a. Røde Kors/Røde halvmåne at være parat til det værst tænkelige.

– It’s a strange situation, Fakhreddine Sraoulia of the Tunisian Red Crescent said to IRIN.

– We have to be prepared for the worst case scenario, which could be many thousands of people [arriving here] or a return to the scenes of chaos we saw at the border two weeks ago. But then again, that might not happen, he said.

A sharp rise in the number of people fleeing could be prompted either by more violence, or an improved, calmer situation.

– We are not present on the other side so it is hard for us to estimate who we will be receiving over the coming days and weeks, said Firas Kayal, the UN Refugee Agency’s (UNHCR) public information officer at Choucha transit camp, 25km inside Tunisia.

– We are doing contingency planning, while primarily focusing on the problem here, he told IRIN.

– We still believe that only 15-20 percent of Libya’s migrant workers have left the country. Things could, of course, change drastically, so we have to be ready.

Resources at Choucha are already stretched, but NGOs and UN agencies say they are preparing for the possible arrival of thousands more migrant workers and refugees.

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) said it needed more funds to scale up evacuations.