Forbud mod fredelig protest i Algier

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Forfatter billede

Den konstrant forværrede økonomiske situation i Algeriet har ført til stadig kraftigere protester flere steder i landet,da regeringen ikke har kunnet dække befolkningens basale behov. Og regeringens respons er nu gennem forbud at undertrykke protesten. EMHRN fordømmer forbuddet og opfordrer regeringen til at respektere folkets ret til at samles fredeligt, fremgår det af en pressemeddelelse fra menneskerettighedsorganisationen.

COPENHAGEN, 10 February 2011. The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network (EMHRN) condemns the refusal of the Algerian authorities to allow a peaceful demonstration in Algiers on February 12 and urges the authorities to respect the right of the Algerian people to peaceful assembly.

Over the last years, the deterioration of the economic and social situation in Algeria and the inability of the government to meet the needs of the population have frequently led to social movements in different parts of the country. The absence of mechanisms for social dialogue coupled with the repressive practices of the authorities against these social movements have exacerbated the situation.

Between 5th and 9th January 2011, violent demonstrations, which sometimes turned into riots, took place in Algiers and several other cities, including Annaba, Oran,Constantine and Bejaia. Demonstrators, mainly Algerian youth, protested against the high cost of living and the raising prices of basic food products. Three persons were killed, hundreds injured among young protesters and security forces, and more than 1000 protesters were arrested according to the Ministry of the Interior.

In response, on 21 January several trade unions, political parties, human rights associations and civil society organisations – including the Algerian League for the Defence of Human Rights (LADDH) and SOS Disappeared, both member organisations of the EMHRN, as well as the independent trade union SNAPAP – created the National Coordination for Change and Democracy (CNCD). The National Coordination called for a peaceful march on 12th February to demand the end of the state of emergency in force since 1992, the release of all the persons detained because of the demonstrations, and the lifting of restrictions on the media and political participation.

On 7th February, the Wilaya (governorate) of Algiers has refused to allow this march for “public order reasons”. The Algerian government has banned all demonstrations in the capital since 2001. The CNCD has nevertheless decided to exercise its right to demonstrate peacefully and to maintain its call for the demonstration on February 12.

The EMHRN firmly condemns the refusal as it violates the right of Algerian citizens to assemble peacefully and calls on the Algerian authorities to respond to the demands of the population for democracy and human rights.

Furthermore, while EMHRN takes note of President Bouteflika’s announcement to abrogate the state of emergency “in the very near future” and to adopt reforms to improve opposition parties’ access to media, we express our deepest concern regarding the concurrent announcement of a new “law on the fight against terrorism” that could justify further violations of the rights and freedoms of Algerian citizens.

The EMHRN urges the Algerian authorities to immediately take concrete measures to meet the political and social demands of the population, in particular:

– To respect the rights of Algerian citizens to assemble peacefully and to ensure the safety of protesters during the peaceful march of protest on 12 February,

– To initiate a real dialogue with the various actors of civil society and the population in general, especially the youth, in order to discuss urgent measures to redress the social distress,

– To recognise human rights organisations and the independent trade unions in accordance with Algerian law, and to put an end to acts of harassment against them,

– To unconditionally abrogate the state of emergency that restricts all civil liberties.

For more information, please contact:
Henriette Irminger Sonne (English / French): +45 30 82 83 37
Shaima Abou Kheir (Arabic / English): +20101077207