Forum for Mikrofinans relancerer webinar om mikrolån og opsparing

Forfatter billede

Mikrolån til verdens fattige har grebet om sig de senere år. Men lånene i sig selv er ikke nok til at slippe ud af fattigdommens onde cirkel. Der skal meget mere til såsom grundlæggende vejledning af brugerne i økonomi og opsparing for at give dem forståelse af, hvordan man gør en lille forretning profitabel.

Altså skaber et overskud – dét, som det hele drejer sig om. Ellers løber låntagerne risiko for at se deres biks gå ned og pådrage sig betydelig gæld.

Det er nogle af de emner, webinaret vil tage fat om. Arrangøren, Dansk Forum for Mikrofinans, skriver uddybende om “WEBINAR SERIES on Financial Education & Microbusiness”:

This series of four FREE OF CHARGE webinars focus on the implementation of successful financial education and microbusiness programmes. A special focus will be placed on Village Savings and Loan Associations, which will be introduced by Hugh Allen the CEO and founder of VSL Associates promoting the VSLA savings group methodology globally.

The webinars on financial education and microbusiness builds on CARE International’s extensive experience of developing and implementing such programs across Africa.

Examples will be provided from CARE Rwanda’s programs where the systems were first developed before they were adapted by many agencies worldwide.

WEBINAR SERIES – se programmet på


Hugh Allen is Chief Executive Officer and founder of VSL Associates. He has worked in development since 1970, focusing most of the last twenty years on microfinance and particularly on the promotion of the VSLA savings group methodology.

Niyibizi Glycérie is working as Economic Security Technical support Unit Manager at CARE Rwanda. Glycérie has extensive experience households’ economic security activities with community based microfinance (VSLA).

Jessica Massie is a consultant specializing in financial education based in Kigali, Rwanda. She has experience in designing and implementing financial education programs throughout Africa, as well as training trainers.


Participant profile: Programme and project managers from Member organisations of Danish Forum for Microfinance and their partner organisations. Others with interest in the field.

Methodology: Online interactive training (Adobe Connect). You will need a good internet connection and a headset with a mic. A link to the training will be provided upon registration.

Enrollment: Deadline 25th November 2013 through:
or to Simon Skårhøj, Prg. and Learning Officer, DanChurchAid, [email protected].

Offered as a one-week training in October and re-launched due to change of demand