En teknologi, der benytter udtjente mobil-telefoner som sporhunde mod illegal skovhugst og krybskytteri, vil snart blive taget i brug i Centralafrikas truede regnskove, skriver miljønyhedsbureauet Mongabay.com.
Rainforest Connection (RFCx), a San Francisco-based non-profit startup, is partnering with the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) to install its real-time (øjeblikkeligt virkende) anti-deforestation technology at sites in Cameroon.
30 RFCx devices — recycled from old Android handsets — will monitor 10,000 hectares or moren than 50 square kilometres of rainforest, listening for audio signals associated with logging and poaching.
When the whir of a chainsaw, a gunshot, or the sound of a logging truck is detected, the system automatically alerts local authorities who can take action as the environmental crime is being committed.
Læs videre på http://news.mongabay.com/2014/0624-rainforest-connection-interview.html
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