Hvordan skal Afrika syd for Sahara egentlig forstås?

Forfatter billede

Afrika syd for Sahara er plaget af konflikt og fattigdom, men også under hastig forandring. Det kræver således viden om og forståelse for udviklingen, hvis man skal kunne agere i dagens og fremtidens Afrika. Derfor indbyder Forsvarsakademiet til et bredt kursus for alle, der vil have fingeren på den afrikanske puls.

Kurset med titlen ”Security Dynamics and Military Capacity Building in Sub-Saharan Africa” finder sted den 19. august til 1. september 2013. Men vil man med, skal tilmeldingen ske senest den 15. marts (!).

Det er anden gang. Forsvarsakademiet (Royal Danish Defence College) holder et to ugers Afrika forberedelseskursus, primært rettet mod ansatte i det danske forsvar, men også åbent for eksterne deltagere, f.eks. fra NGO’er, virksomheder mm.

Sidste års succes har bragt Forsvars-akademiet på banen igen. Kurset gennemføres dels i København, dels i Østafrika.

: Indbydelsen

“So simple…yet ever so complex. This could well be the introductory remark to comprehending and relating to the contemporary African context.

You are a military officer, diplomat or humanitarian worker about to be stationed in Africa or to work with African related issues.

You are faced with the question: how to translate and make sense of the reality of contemporary Africa? How do you, for instance, relate to your African partners and colleagues? If these issues sound relevant to you, this course could well be right for you.

While Sub-Saharan Africa is one of the most conflict ridden and poverty stricken parts of the globe, it is also changing rapidly.

The end of the Cold War ended some conflicts, but at the same time opened new conflicts and processes that had lain dormant during the overlay of the Cold War actors.

However, Africa is changing fast, as manifested by the fact that seven of the world’s ten fastest growing economies are in Africa, and that major political reforms and large social and cultural transformations´ are currently taking place.

This multidisciplinary preparation course will scrutinize and introduce the diversity of Africa; her conflicts and their related dynamics, economic development, political institutions (both nationally and regionally), resources and history.

It will provide you as a participant with an insight into contemporary Africa, thereby equipping you to better interact with both private and public African partners in your future work
The course will take the participants on a visit to the African Union in Addis Ababa, and to two different locations in Kenya, Nairobi and Kisumu, to give the expose the participants to different elements of the African reality and daily life.

Course in DK and Africa

The first four days of the course will introduce participants to general African political, security and historical dynamics, and will end by introducing the Nordic donor strategy.

The first part of the course will take place at the Royal Danish Defence College in Copenhagen, and will run Monday– Thursday as a day seminar.

The lectures will be conducted by a wide range of Danish and international researchers. There will also be a VIP speaker.

The second part of the course will take place in Ethiopia and Kenya and will focus on political and security dynamics in East Africa and in the African Union, and will involve three case studies: Kenya, Sudan and a third yet to be identified case.

The focus will be on providing participants with an insight into the major security and political dynamics in East Africa, and a better understanding of the political and security systems of the three case studies.

The excursion will give students an insight into the security systems and the conditions under which they have to operate.

All lectures in Kenya will be conducted by academics from a number of Kenyan institutions in Nairobi and from University of Maseno, Kisumu.

The course will use a variety of teaching methods including: lectures, audio-visuals, discussions, workshops, case analyses, daily dilemmas, and preparatory readings. Participants’ own cases may also be included.


The course was initially aimed at Danish and Nordic military officers who are or will be engaged in Africa. However, the course is also relevant for diplomats, media, private business and NGOs who interact with Sub-Saharan Africa, and in particular East Africa.


Applications for participation in the 2013 course have to be lodged with the administration (RDDC) no later than the 15th March 2013.

The course has a maximum capacity of 25 participants. Applications should be addressed to Course Secretary Mrs Sascha Hedberg and emailed to [email protected]

Participants from Danish Defence

The course fee is 25.000 Dkr. for both weeks .This covers all expenses for transport, accommodation in the second part of the course and meals (i.e. seminar dinner in week one, and full board during week two) where nothing else is mentioned.

The price also includes the cost of per diem for participants from Danish Defence.

Participants from outside Danish Defence

The course fee is 23.000 Dkr., excluding per diem, but including the above mentioned”