Israel sender (afrikanske) indvandrere i “åben internering”

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Det er især asylsøgere fra Eritrea og Sudan, det går ud over, men demonstrantioner har ikke medført markant forbedrede forhold i Israel, som oplever at se sine arabiske nabolande oversvømmet af syriske flygtninge – internering i åbent fængsel i Negev-ørkenen TEL AVIV, 25 December 2013 (IRIN): Hundreds of African migrants and human rights activists marched through the streets of Tel Aviv on 21 December to protest the Israeli government’s policy of detaining irregular migrants, the majority of them asylum seekers from Eritrea and Sudan. The protest came less than a week after a demonstration in Jerusalem by about 150 asylum seekers who had walked out of a new so-called open facility in Israel’s southern Negev desert, known as Holot. The protestors hoped to meet with Minister of the Interior Gideon Sa’ar, an avid supporter of Israel’s strict “anti-infiltration” measures, but were arrested soon after reaching Jerusalem. Holot was opened in response to a September 2013 Supreme Court ruling, which struck down an amendment (tilføjelse) to Israel’s anti-infiltration law allowing the detention of irregular migrants for up to three years without trial. The Court ordered that over 1.700 asylum seekers being held at the Sa’aronim detention centre in the Ketziot prison, also in the Negev desert, should be released over a three-month period, providing they posed no threat. Shortly before the three-month period ended on 14 December, the Knesset (Israel’s parliament) passed a new amendment to the anti-infiltration law, shortening the period of time migrants can be detained to one year in an open facility. Two days after the act was passed, the 500 remaining migrants at Sa’aronim were transferred to Holot. Læs videre på Begynd fra: “The protesters in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv claimed that Holot was…”