Kolera i Congo-Brazzaville

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Voldsomme regnskyl og sanitetsproblemer har medvirket til udbrud af kolera i tidl. Fransk Congo. Landets næststørste by Pointe-Noire har det sidste stykke tid oplevet en strøm af migrantarbejdere – hverken kapaciteten eller sanitetsforanstaltningerne har været gode nok.

BRAZZAVILLE, 15 March 2013 (IRIN) – An influx of migrants from the countryside into the Republic of Congo’s second largest city, Pointe-Noire, is worsening a cholera outbreak that began in November 2012.

The outbreak infected at least 389 and killed 10, according to the health ministry and local authorities.

“Heavy rain in the port city in recent weeks and sanitation problems triggered the cholera outbreak,” said Health Minister François Ibovi.

According to the mayor of Pointe-Noire, Roland Bouiti Viaudo, the booming city has seen a large influx of migrants from rural areas.

“Heavy rain in the port city in recent weeks and sanitation problems triggered the cholera outbreak,” said Health Minister François Ibovi.

According to the mayor of Pointe-Noire, Roland Bouiti Viaudo, the booming city has seen a large influx of migrants from rural areas.

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