Kvindelige virksomhedsledere har nøglerolle

Hedebølge i Californien. Verdens klimakrise har enorme sundhedsmæssige konsekvenser. Alligevel samtænkes Danmarks globale klima- og sundhedsindsats i alt for ringe grad, mener tre  debattører.

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Forfatter billede

Hvis bestræbelserne på at fremme bæredygtig udvikling skal lykkes, er det helt afgørende, at kvinder deltager fuldt ud. Og ikke mindst kvindelige virksomhedsledere har en nøglerolle, når det gælder klimaforandring og økonomisk vækst.

Det blev slået fast, da fremtrædende kvindelige virksomhedsledere i går torsdag talte på et særligt møde, der var arrangeret i forbindelse med FN’s Global Compact Leaders topmøde i New York.

UN Women fortæller på sin hjemmeside, hvordan talerne understregede kvinders betydning som forandringsagenter og nødvendigheden af at investere i kvinders muligheder, hvis man vil maksimere effekten af bestræbelserne på at skabe bæredygtighed. Og det gælder om at investere i kvinder fra fabriksgulvet til bestyrelseslokalet.

UN Women skriver:

The special event, co-organized by the United Nations Climate Change Secretariat, UN Global Compact, UN Women and The Rockefeller Foundation, paid particular attention to the role of leadership in addressing the challenge of climate change and how women business leaders are stepping up to the challenge through sustainable business practices that are good for the planet and profits.

“Women business leaders are playing a critical role in the transition toward low-emission and high-resilient economic growth,” said keynote speaker Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Climate Change Secretariat.

“They are using a variety of tactics – from creating corporate sustainability initiatives to looking at climate change risks and opportunities when investing to cutting emissions from daily operations – that have the potential to accelerate green growth while maintaining the bottom line.”

:“The private sector can be the seed of innovation for bold actions and initiatives that could make a difference for our common future,” said Lakshmi Puri, Deputy Executive Director, UN Women.

“Let me leave you with a challenge and a call for creating and seizing opportunities for adaptation and mitigation of climate change, and to make it gender-responsive and gender-sensitive. Great dividends will come from engaging women as beneficiaries and contributors to climate change responses.”

Læs mere http://www.unwomen.org/en/news/stories/2013/9/press-release-on-global-compact-event#sthash.WOhbtd4s.dpuf