Mubarak gør indrømmelse: Fyrer regeringen og udnævner en ny lørdag

Forfatter billede

In his first (TV-transmitted) speech to the nation since the crisis began Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak late Friday night dismissed his government and said a new cabinet would be announced on Saturday, BBC online reports.

He also defended the role of Egypt’s security forces in suppressing anti-government protests which have rocked the country. At least 26 have died with hundreds injured after tens of thousands took part in protests in Cairo, Suez, Alexandria and other cities.

Protesters set fire to the headquarters of Mubaraks governing NDP party and besieged state TV and the foreign ministry.

Mr. Mubarak said he understood the protesters’ grievances but a thin line divided liberty from chaos and he would not allow Egypt to be destabilised.

BBC writes, that his comments will probably just provoke further unrest, as the people on the streets will be both infuriated by the Presidents accusations that they are seeking to destabilise the country and inspired that, having wrung some concessions from him, they could yet manage to oust him.

Mubarak, a staunch ally of the West, has ruled Egypt for 30 years.