NGOer til global fond: Gør noget efter Nigerias anti-homo lov

Hedebølge i Californien. Verdens klimakrise har enorme sundhedsmæssige konsekvenser. Alligevel samtænkes Danmarks globale klima- og sundhedsindsats i alt for ringe grad, mener tre  debattører.

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Forfatter billede

NGO-talsmænd i en særlig “Communities Delegation” tilknyttet den donortunge globale fond for bekæmpelse af aids, tuberkulose og malaria er rystede over Nigerias nye anti-homo lov og siger, at den risikerer at sætte kampen mod hiv og aids mange år tilbage.

Den nye lov forbyder ægteskaber mellem partnere af samme køn, registrering af klubber og organisationer for homoseksuelle, at være vidne til eller hjælpe med ægteskaber mellem homoseksuelle og dannelse af klubber og organisationer for homoseksuelle.

Communities Delegation mener, at loven krænker menneskerettighederne for LGBT-personer (af anden seksuel orientering) i Nigeria, og at loven forhindrer det videre arbejde I kampen mod hiv-aids i det store toneangivende vestafrikanske land, fremgår det af en presseudtalelse rundsendt i Danmark mandag.

Communities Delegation opfordrer derfor Den Globale Fond til at støtte LGBT-miljøet I Nigeria og sikre sig at alle programmer i landet støttet af Den Globale Fond ikke krænker menneskerettigederne.

Det hedder videre (på engelsk):

The Communities Delegation to the Board of the Global Fund condemns the signing into law of the Same Sex [Prohibition] Act 2014 by the Nigerian President, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan.

The law provides a sentence of 10 years imprisonment to any person or group of persons that ‘witness, abets (tilskynder til) and aids the solemnisation (højtideligholdelse) of a same sex union (ægteskab) or supports the registration of gay clubs, societies and organisations, processions or meetings’.

The Communities Delegation urges the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to consider the implications of this law on the fundamental rights of Nigerian citizens who will become targets of abuse (overgreb), violence and other human rights violations of the basis of their real or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity.

Får milliarder til bekæmpelse af hiv

Nigeria has the second largest HIV epidemic globally and is the recipient of over 1,5 billion US dollar (8,2 milliarder DKR) from the Global Fund, with 17 active grants in place, and eight of the grants on HIV/AIDS.

The Communities Delegation is extremely concerned of the consequences this act will have in preventing access to essential HIV services for communities of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT).

The act, too, will undermine Nigeria’s efforts in the Comprehensive Response Plan for HIV/AIDS to address the high burden of HIV among key populations, impeding efforts and reversing the gains and progress made so far in the fight against HIV/AIDS in Nigeria.

The Communities Delegation is committed to ensure that all programmes funded by the Global Fund operate in, and contribute to environments that respect and value human rights to ensure that Global Fund investments are finance programmes that provide rights based access to prevention, treatment, care and support.

The Communities Delegation calls on the Global Fund to urgently identify mechanisms of direct support for the LGBT community in Nigeria, and to actively and closely monitor all Global Fund grants in Nigeria for human right violations and to take immediate action where such violations are clear.

We also urge and call on all partners including UNAIDS and bilateral programmes to directly advocate with the Nigerian government on this issue to honour its domestic and international obligations and commitments to respect, protect and ensure the fulfilment of rights of all people within its territory.

And to protect minority groups from violence and discrimination by taking proactive steps to put in place measures that prevent the violation of their rights.

Søger at påvirke fondens bestyrelse

The role of the Communities living with HIV, Tuberculosis (TB) and affected by malaria Delegation (Communities Delegation) is to advocate, influence and shape the decisions on the Board of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tb and Malaria (Global Fund).

This is so that communities living with HIV, TB and malaria can gain equitable (lige) access to quality services and support needed to prevent, treat and/or live with these infections within a conducive environment that respects human rights.

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Udtalelsen er sendt til bestyrelsesmedlemmer i Den Globale Fond og Den Globale Fonds sekretariat.

Yderligere oplysninger hos:
Communities Delegation, Rachel Ong, Communications Focal Point, e-mail og tlf. +41 (22) 575 4822.
eller Lars Thaysen, bestyrelsesmedlem, Hiv-Danmark
Medlem af Communities Delegation to the Global Fund to Fight Aids, TB and Malaria

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