Ny FN-slagstyrke skal gå direkte efter oprørere i DR Congo

Forfatter billede

Sikkerhedsrådet har enstemmigt besluttet at indsætte en FN-styrke, som for første gang i FNs historie kan udføre “målrettede offensive operationer”- i dette tilfælde mod myriader af oprørsgrupper i den hjemsøgte østlige del af kæmpelandet DR Congo.

It is the first time the UN has given an offensive mandate to its troops. The 2.500-strong brigade will be asked to “neutralise and disarm” rebels, writes BBC online Thursday.

The existing 20.000-strong UN peacekeeping force has been widely criticised as ineffective in ending the two-decade long war.

Troops from Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique and South Africa are expected to form the bulk of the new brigade, planned to be deployed by July.

The region’s mineral riches have been plundered by numerous groups and countries during the long conflict.

The Security Council resolution says the new force will operate “in a robust, highly mobile and versatile (alsidig) manner… to prevent expansion of all armed groups, neutralise these groups, and to disarm them”.

Last month, regional African leaders signed a UN-brokered accord to end the violence.

Some 500.000 people have fled their homes since a rebellion by M23 rebels began in April last year.