Ny strategi for informationsteknologi i Latinamerika

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SANTIAGO de CHILE, 26 October 2010: Government officials and representatives of international agencies and civil society will gather from 21-23 November in Lima, Peru, for the Third Ministerial Conference on the Information Society of Latin America and the Caribbean.

At this forum, members of UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, ECLAC, will approve a new regional plan of action called eLAC2015, which conceives information and communications technologies (ICTs) as tools for achieving economic development with innovation and equality.

The main guidelines of the new eLAC2015 proposal aim at the universalization of quality broadband access and the inclusion of ICTs in productive activities, public services, education and health in the region.

During the conference, ECLAC will present three documents that examine the following subjects:

A follow up on the implementation of the regional plan of action 2008-2010.

The dynamics of broadband penetration in the region and policy proposals to universalize its access.

A comprehensive public policies model for the information society in the region.