Palæstinenserne truer med at sagsøge Israel for bosættelser

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De vil kun genoptage fredsforhandlingerne, hvis der kommer stop for nye jødiske bosættelser på den besatte Vestbred og overvejer nu at gå til den internationale domstol i Haag, hvis en større kontroversiel bosættelse opføres øst for Jerusalem.

Speaking at the UN Security Council, Palestinian Foreign Minister Riad Malki said the decision depended on the new Israeli government, BBC online reports Thursday.

The Palestinians became eligible to join the ICC (Den internationale domstol) after the UN voted to upgrade their status last November.

Israel has announced plans to build 1.500 more homes in East Jerusalem. The controversial project was revived as part of Israel’s response to the UN General Assembly’s decision to grant the Palestinians the status of non-member observer state.

The Palestinian minister spoke about Israeli plans to construct housing in an area known as E1, which cuts deep into the West Bank. Bringing Jewish settlers into this zone would be crossing a red line, Mr al Malki said, forcing the Palestinians to complain to the ICC.

About 500.000 Jews live in more than 100 settlements built since the 1967 occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

The settlements are considered illegal under international law, although Israel disputes this.