Stor glæde over ambitiøse klimaløfter fra klimaramte lande

Thomas Jazrawi

Det fremgår af flere pressemeddelelser, her fra Folkekirkens Nødhjælp (find pressemeddelelse fra de klimaskrøbelige lande og udtalelser fra topledere nedenfor): 

I dag, fredag kl. 13.00, har 45 af verdens fattigste og mest sårbare lande taget et ambitiøst og flot initiativ ved klimatopmødet i Marrakesh, COP22.

Med en fælles udtalelse forpligtiger de sig til grøn omstilling, inklusiv 100% vedvarende energi.

De lover også, at de vil revidere deres nationale klimaplaner, (NDC), inden 2020. Det er et politisk signal og opfordring til de rige lande om, at de bør følge efter.

Trues allerede nu

Spørgsmålet om at øge ambitionen i de nationale planer har været et af de svære forhandlingstemaer ved klimamødet i Marrakesh.

Videnskaben peger på, at ambitionen skal op, men de rige lande, ikke mindst EU, vil ikke have nye mål indtil 2030. Det er dog alt for sent for de mest sårbare lande, som trues af dramatiske klimaforandringer allerede nu.

Folkekirkens Nødhjælps Generalsekretær, Birgitte Qvist-Sørensen, siger:

"Det her er en rigtig god nyhed. Nogle af de fattigste og mest sårbare lande viser her det lederskab, vi har efterspurgt i så lang tid. Videnskaben understreger tydeligt, at den globale klimaambition skal øges. De rige lande, inklusiv EU, tøver, og vil ikke tale om en øget ambition i de kommende år. Men nu er det de fattigste lande, der går foran ved at love, at de vil revidere og øge deres klimamål i løbet af de kommende år".

Får brug for hjælp

"Klimaforandringerne er en global udfordring, men det er fattige mennesker i nogle af verdens mest sårbare lande, der har sværest at tilpasse sig klimaforandringernes effekter. Nu er det disse lande, der tager initiativ".

"De fattigste lande har en høj ambition, men de får brug for hjælp, hvis planerne skal blive til virkelighed. De rige lande er derfor nødt til at leve op til tidligere aftaler om at bidrage med klimapenge og støtte for at hjælpe ulandene med deres omstilling til en grøn og bæredygtig udvikling".

Her er pressemeddelelsen fra Climate Vulnerable Forum:

MARRAKECH 18 November 2016: The Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) agreed today, during its 2016 High Level Meeting at the UN Climate Change Conference at Marrakech (UNFCCC COP22), that climate action does not limit development – it strengthens it and all Forum members committed to take actions to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.

Ministers and heads of delegations of the CVF adopted the Marrakech Communique and the Marrakech Vision. The Communique called for greater ambition emphasizing that any country with an NDC not yet compliant with its fair share consistent with the Paris Agreement's long-term goal must update contributions by 2020 at the latest.

It also called on honoring commitments, investing in climate finance and the need to transform market place.

100% between 2030 and 2050

The Vision adopted recognizes the steps the Forum will undertake to keep the dangers of climate change to an absolute minimum and extend this to maximize the advantage taken of the benefits of climate action, including striving to achieve 100% renewable energy the latest between 2030 and 2050.

Climate Vulnerable Former-Forum Chair, H.E. Dr. Gemedo Dalle, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change invited all CVF members to pursue robust domestic climate action, and to encourage other countries to deliver the targets the Forum has embraced. Minister Dalle added:

"Without stronger climate action, we might not survive, and this is not an option."

H.E. Mr. Mattlan Zackhras, Hon. Minister in Assistance to the President of the Marshall Islands said that this is a turning point in climate leadership and transformation that is bound to secure a safer future for vulnerable communities.

Minister Zackhras added:

"We are pioneering the transformation towards 100% renewable energy, but we want other countries to follow in our foot steps in order to evade catastrophic impacts we are experiencing through hurricanes, flooding and droughts."

Income needed

H.E. Ms. Evelyn Cruzada, Office of the Cabinet Secretary of the Philippines said that climate actions will generate the income needed to finance adaptation plans. Secretary Cruzada added:

"climate action is not optional, and neither is the developed countries obligation to support climate resilient development. Adaptation is central to the ability of vulnerable countrie like the Philippines too thrive."

H.E. Mr. Edgar Gutierrez, Hon. Minister of Environment and Energy of Costa Rica said that meeting the 1.5C target requires an immediate sense of urgency from all parties. Secretary Gutierrez added:

"We don't know what countries are still waiting for to move towards net carbon neutrality and 100% renwable energy, all parties should start the transition, otherwise we will all suffer."

"I am moved"

Dr. Saleemul Huq, Director of the Centre for Climate Change and Development, Bangladesh; Chair of the CVF Expert Advisory Group said that CVF's unprecedented leadership in this declaration challenges other countries into action. Dr. Huq added:

"I am moved to be withnessing this historic moment, the CVF countries have paved the way to a much safer, healthier and prosperous world."

Ms. Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner, Marshallese Poet performed her poem turning the focus on the consequences of inaction on human dignity.

Commenting on the next steps H.E. Mr. Kare Chawicha, State Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate Change of Ethiopia said that mitigating climate change impacts require concerted efforts and engagement of the whole spectre of socitey from government to citizens. State Minister Chawicha added:

"We pledge to inform and educate everyone about climate risks and the impact of taking action, from government contributions to the smallest initiatives by individuals."

Her er udtalelse fra topledere i klimakampen: 

“The commitments made by the Climate Vulnerable Forum today are both impressive and inspirational. They have once again shown their moral leadership in this process with real-world commitments to action. These countries are already living the terrifying reality of climate change today and their very existence is on the line. The EU stands with them and their commitment to greater ambition in the years ahead.”

– Miguel Arias Cañete, European Union Climate Action and Energy Commissioner 

"Today’s commitment by the member countries of the Climate Vulnerable Forum to move toward powering their economies entirely with renewable energy is a bold vision that sets the pace for the world's efforts to implement the Paris Agreement and move even more quickly to solve the climate crisis. These ambitious and inspiring commitments show the path forward for others and give us all renewed optimism that we are going to meet the challenge before us and meet it in time.

– Al Gore, Former US Vice President Chairman of The Climate Reality Project

"I welcome the Climate Vulnerable Forum Declaration highlighting the need for urgent climate action in order to protect the most vulnerable and allow everyone to prosper.   Our goal must be to bend the curve of emissions by 2020 in order to limit temperature rise to 1.5 degrees C and  enable an orderly and just transition.  For this we must accelerate the shift of capital and promote radical collaboration among all stakeholders. We can do it.”

– Christiana Figueres, Former Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC