Tiltagende kampe i den sydlige del af Sudan

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Af: Mugume D. Rwakaringi, AfricaNews reporter in Juba, Sudan

Efter den netop afsluttede folkeafstemning i Sudan er antallet af kampe i det kommende Sydsudan tiltaget. Syd anklager Nord og præsidenten Omar EL Beshir samt hans regime for at stå bag, skriver Africa News.

Medical aid organisation Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) say Fighting in western Upper Nile and northern Jonglei, South Sudan, during the weekend led to an influx of wounded people at Malakal hospital forcing many civilians to flee for their lives.

In the past two weeks, fighting erupted in the oil rich region of Abyei inhabited by mostly the Ngok Dinka who have close ties with the South leading to deaths of over 100 people and forcing many to flee from their properties. Dinka tribe is the major tribe in the Southern Sudan.

The ruling party however accuses the South ruling party Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) for wanting to “sabotage” their (Northern) activities.

Salah Gosh, who is also a presidential adviser for security affairs, held a press conference in Khartoum and accused the South for sabotaging the Northern government’s activities.
The South recently overwhelmingly voted to secede from the North but will have to wait until 9th July for the official declaration.

The South accuses the North for also sponsoring the renegade former deputy Chief of Staff in South Sudan army, Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) General George Athor who waged war against the South after losing the 2010 Gubernatorial contest against SPLM Kuol Manyang whom he accuses for voter rigging.

General Athor who has since been given amnesty has conditioned a cancelation of the results hence a fresh elections but the Government of South Sudan has rejected this condition.

Human Rights expert have indicated that over 200 people including women and children were reportedly killed and up to 20,000 have reportedly been displaced.