Uganda: Center for frafaldne fra “Herrens Modstandshær” lukkes

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Der er ikke penge til at køre centret i det nordlige Uganda videre, siger NGO, der driver det – engang var der seks rehabiliteringscentre for frafaldne fra den frygtede milits med den internationalt eftersøgte Joseph Kony i spidsen.

GULU, 18 January 2013 (IRIN): One of the only two remaining reception centres in northern Uganda helping reintegrate former members of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) is threatened with closure.

This would greatly reduce psychosocial support available to those directly involved – often as a result of abduction – in one of Africa’s longest-running conflicts.

“We are considering closing our reception centre by March this year, but we hope to continue supporting these children outside the centre and other communities in the north through our child protection, health, education and livelihood programs ,” Paddy Mugalula, World Vision’s programme manager in Gulu, told IRIN.

Since 1994, the two rehabilitation centres, the World Vision Reception Centre and the Gulu Support the Children Organization (GUSCO), have attended to some 25.000 abductees (bortførte) and former fighters, according to their managers.

They are the only centres still in operation, out of an initial six.

“There will be a problem with the reintegration of adult male returnees since our reception centre handles only children and women,” Robert Okeny, GUSCO’s program director, told IRIN.

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