UNESCO fordømmer Gaddafis krænkelse af retten til information

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UNESCOs generaldirektør Irina Bokova mener, at den libyske leder, Muammar Gaddafis, manglende respekt for retten til information er en alvorlig krænkelse af menneskerettighederne.

PARIS, 22 February, 2011: UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova expressed her alarm over the worsening situation in Libya and continuing clampdown on media and vital information services.

“I am alarmed and distressed by reports coming out of Libya, which indicate terrible loss of lives and an escalation of violence, including virulent attacks against the media” Irina Bokova said.

“I call on the Libyan authorities to exercise maximum restraint. I also call on them to respect the right of people to access information, to be able to communicate with one another and for the media to be able to do its job.

“Attempting to silence people by repression, by denying them access to vital information services is a violation of basic human rights that can only fuel anger and frustration.”