On May 11, 2018, a score of Cuban intellectuals and activists launched an exhaustive agenda for the rights of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, intersexuals, trans, queer and intersex people in Cuba. According to the submission:
”Based on the Yogyakarta principles on the application of international human rights law in relation to sexual orientation and gender identity, in the Declaration of Sexual Rights of the World Association for Sexual Health (WAS) and due to the upcoming constitutional and legal reforms in Cuba, members of the Cuban LGBTIQ community have met to promote this agenda.”
The document begins by considering that sexual orientation and gender identity are inherent to human dignity. The goal is not only for the text to work as a collective statement but also as a proposal that can contributors can continue to feed with ideas and suggestions. The text also proposes specific lines of action that can be used as a starting point for research and for developing public policies, as Isbel Díaz Torres explains in Havana Times.
The agenda is the first of its kind in Cuba, compiled entirely by members of the public and focuses on the rights of LGTBIQ people. In addition, it includes 63 specific demands and is divided into two large sections: legislative measures and policies, plans and strategies.
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