EU giver Nigeria 1 mia. dollar for fred

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EU-kommissionen har underskrevet en udviklingsaftale med Nigeria til en værdi af 1 mia. US $. Hovedformålet med aftalen er at bekæmpe konflikt i Niger-deltaet, skriver BBC online fredag.

BRUXELLES, FRIDAY: A substantial amount of the funding will be spent on resolving conflict in the oil-rich and crime-plagued Niger Delta, the EU’s development chief said.

The money will also target corruption, electoral reform and improving human rights.

Almost a third of the EU money is devoted to the Niger Delta region.

For years militants have blown up pipelines and kidnapped foreign oil workers, demanding a fairer share of the wealth.

“I’m delighted that a substantial amount of this financing will go to support conflict resolution and the peace process in the Niger Delta which has been ravaged by years of unrest,” said the EU’s development commissioner Karel De Gucht.

– reports BBC online Friday