FN-kampagne mod luftforurening: Tag 42 kilometer på cykel, i bussen eller på de flade i maj

Thomas Jazrawi

Den seneste rapport fra WHO om luftforurening viser, at 90% af verdens befolkning indånder sundhedsskadelig luft. Det er meget tæt på at være os alle. 

Det har fået FN’s Miljøprogram (UN Environment) til at starte kampagnen BreatheLife Challenge. Her opfordrer agenturet alle til enten at cykle, gå eller tage offentlig transport i en afstand, der svarer til 26 mil (42 km.) i maj måned.

Så det er bare om at komme i gang. 

“These latest findings are a stark reminder for cities and governments worldwide that polluted air remains the single greatest environmental threat to human health”, siger Erik Solheim, formand for UN Environment.  

“Today’s launch of the BreatheLife Challenge is an opportunity to mobilize individual actions and raise awareness around the steps we can all take to make sure that the air we breathe is safe”, fortsætter han. 

Byer og den private sektor er med

Flere byer på kloden og den private sektor har tilsluttet sig kampagnen: 

Cities across the globe and private sector partners including the walking app Pacer and the bike sharing company Mobike have also joined the challenge and will be asking millions of their users to sign up to help create cleaner air where they live.

Using toolkits available on the BreatheLife website, Citizens can take the challenge, promote the challenge by sharing on various platforms or engage with UN Environment and WHO for more tips.