FN og AU: Stop volden i Darfur

Thomas Jazrawi_2

10. september 2012

Efter flere dages uroligheder i den sudanesiske by Kutum beder FN og Den Afrikanske Union nu parterne om at stoppe volden, skriver FN. Byen i det nordlige Darfur er ellers lige kommet sig ovenpå uroligheder i august.

KUTUM, 9 September 2012 (UN News Centre): The head of the United Nations-African Union peacekeeping mission in Darfur, known by the acronym UNAMID, has called for an end to the latest round of violence – reportedly leading to several casualties – to affect a town in the Sudanese state of North Darfur.

“I am saddened that the people of Kutum have again had to endure pain and suffering,” UNAMID’s Acting Joint Special Representative, Aichatou Mindaoudou, said in a news release. “UNAMID calls for a cessation in hostilities and for all parties to engage in peaceful dialogue.”

According to the news release, UNAMID peacekeepers at a team site near the town of Kutum, located some 100 kilometres northwest of El Fasher, the capital of North Darfur state, reported that the security situation began deteriorating on Tuesday, 4 September, with a rash of shootings, including an assassination attempt on a local official.

The incidents reportedly resulted in several dead and wounded, and UNAMID evacuated wounded civilians to El-Fasher by helicopter for emergency medical treatment. On 5 September, armed men allegedly fired at local civilians, resulting in additional casualties.

The latest violence comes as the locality recovers from a series of attacks, and subsequent destruction and looting, which took place last month.

Læs videre på: http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=42834&Cr=Darfur&Cr1=#.UE3VqlGDHnY

Begynd ved: ‘That violence began on 1August’