Liberty For Arts Award 2012 til direktør for Freemuse Marie Korpe

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Freemuses danske direktør Marie Korpe modtog forleden Liberty For Arts Award 2012 for sit livslange virke for den globale NGO-vagthund mod musikcensur.

Marie Korpe arrangerede i november 1998 den første verdenskonference om musik og censur, hvoraf Freemuse opstod som selvstændig medlemsbaseret organisation. Nu hædres Marie Korpe for sit utrættelige arbejde for at forbedre musikeres rettigheder og tale imod musikcensur.

Gennem sit mangeårige virke i Freemuse har hun bl.a. opnået udbredelse af dokumentation og information om angreb på musikere og komponisters frihed og ret til at udtrykke sig.

Organisationen har sekretariat i København og finansieres hovedsagligt af svenske bistandsmidler.

Pressemeddelelsen fra Fairplay Foundation sendt 6. marts 2012 i forbindelse med prisen til Marie Korpe:

“Marie Korpe is the founder and director of FREEMUSE which is a unique and outstanding beneficial organization advocating freedom of expression for musicians since 1998. The humanitarian contribution of FREEMUSE to society is mainly done by their extended and highly professional work comprising documentation, networking and lobbying, publication and campaigning activities. FREEMUSE offers the most well elaborated web platform, equipped with weekly updated news and information about human rights issues in the context of the musical arts world-wide. The website is:

By these means FREEMUSE fights for music creators’ rights to express themselves freely without the fear of being censored, persecuted, harassed or killed which is experienced regularly by artists in despotic societies.

Recognizing the freedom of creative expression as a cornerstone of just and fair societies FREEMUSE receives funding from The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), The Sigrid Rausing Trust, Roskilde Festival Charity Society, Björn Afzelius International Culture Foundation (BAIK) and Sweden’s Special Initiative for Democratisation and Freedom of Expression.

Mrs. Korpe holds a degree in Journalism from the University of Stockholm. Since year 2000 she is holding the position as Executive Director of Freemuse – the world’s only international organisation advocating freedom of expression for musicians and composers.

Marie Korpe coordinated the 1st World Conference on Music and Censorship held in Copenhagen and has been dedicated to the topic of music and human rights for years. Her organization is the responsible promoter and organizer of the Oslo conference ‘All that is banned is desired’ in October 2012.

Mrs Marie Korpe has worked as a Programme Officer at the department for Culture in the Swedish International Development Agency and she has had various short term assignments within the field of culture and development, and a long term assignment for UNICEF in Pakistan.

For a number of years she worked as a journalist with the Swedish Broadcasting Corporation and has over the years planned and organised various cultural events, exhibitions and seminars related to cultural and political topics. Mrs Marie Korpe gets the LIBERTY FOR ARTS AWARD 2012 for her lifetime achievement with the establishment and most successful operating organization FREEMUSE.

In her message of support to the awarding ceremony the Nobel Prize Winner and Honorary Member of FAIRPLAY FOUNDATION Mrs Nadine Gordimer said: “I deeply appreciate the contribution of FAIRPLAY FOUNDATION to society. It is a necessary and valuable task”

With this price we express our deepest gratefulness to Mrs Marie Korpe for her philanthropic dedication to the threatened musicians and composers all over the world and therefore we fully want to share with her the commendation given to our organization by Mrs Nadine Gordimer.

The pioneering engagement of Mrs Marie Korpe has established a model for future organizations to be founded for sheltering and fostering the fragile heritage, presence and future of the arts.

Beside this necessity we should always keep in mind that the estimation of the arts in free societies has to be celebrated by teaching and using it now and in future generations because the arts offer us the most beautiful ways to humanize ourselves.

The inauguration event is publicly accessible and we especially welcome the Swedish citizens living in Switzerland to attend the concert, the ceremony and the ArtsXChange event after the break including performances of various artists. The two main parts of the evening can be chosen by our guest separately or as a complete cultural evening.

We are very happy to announce you that the Swedish Ambassador to Switzerland, Mr. Per Thöresson will be our honorary guest accompanied by his wife. He will be handing out personally the LIBERTY FOR ARTS AWARD to Mrs Marie Korpe.”

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