Mo Ibrahim til Nordiske Afrikadage

Laurits Holdt

En af hovedtalerne på dette års Nordic Africa Days er den sudansk-fødte milliardær Mo Ibrahim. Han står bl.a. bag Mo Ibrahim Foundation, der uddeler verdens største pris til en enkelt person – fem mio. dollars – til en afgået afrikansk statsleder.

Nordic Africa Days, der er en akademisk konference om Afrika afholdes i år i Uppsala i Sverige, hvor også det fællesnordiske afrikainstitut – Nordiske Afrikainstituttet (NAI) – har hjemme.

I en pressemeddelelse skriver fortæller NAI mandag, at en af året hovedtalere er den sudansk-fødte milliardær Mohamed (Mo) Ibrahim.

NAI skriver:

In his keynote during the Nordic Africa Days, Dr Ibrahim elaborates on why governance matters for the development of Africa. His speech is followed up by a discussion with Professor Lise Rakner, Chr. Michelsen Institute and University of Bergen. Moderator: Ms. Iina Soiri, Director for the Nordic Africa Institute.

Despite impressive economic figures in recent years most people in Africa are still poor. The only way for Africa to move forward is to ensure good governance – the way the economy, legal structures and institutions are managed.

“What we need to do is look at numbers and not wonderful leaders’ speeches. I want to know what leaders did in the last 12 months. We need to measure this every year and we need to produce a scorecard. This is how the Ibrahim Index of African Governance came about.”, Dr Mo Ibrahim says.

Established in 2007, the index is the most comprehensive collection of quantitative data on governance in Africa. Compiled in partnership with experts from a number of the continent’s institutions, it provides an annual assessment of governance in every African country.

Mo Ibrahim prize

In addition, the Mo Ibrahim prize – the world’s most valuable individual prize of $5m – is awarded to an African elected leader who governed well, raised living standards and then left office.

Dr Ibrahim is the Founder and Chair of the Mo Ibrahim Foundation which supports good governance and exceptional leadership on the African continent.

He is a global expert in mobile communications and founder of Celtel International, one of Africa’s leading mobile telephone companies. He is also Founding Chairman of Satya Capital Limited, an investment fund focused on Africa.

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