Ban: Flygtningeindsats er utilstrækkelig

Flygtningekrisen i Europa har for alvor gjort det tydeligt, at et land alene ikke kan løse problemet, siger Ban.
Foto: Wikimedia (arkiv)
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Any approach should uphold the safety and dignity in large movements of both refugees and migrants, Mr. Ban said, urging Member States to, among other things, address the root causes of such movements, protect people en route and at borders, and prevent discrimination and promote inclusion.

In addition, Mr. Ban called on Member States to undertake a State-led process to elaborate an international cooperation framework on migrants and human mobility, in the form of a global compact for safe, regular and orderly migration, and to hold an intergovernmental conference on international migration in 2018 to adopt the global compact.

Upcoming high-level meeting on refugees and migrants