Cristina Fernández: Jeg vil arbejde for et mere retfærdigt Argentina

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”Jeg lover, jeg vil arbejde for et mere retfærdigt Argentina.” Det sagde Cristian Ferández de Kirchner, da hun lørdag eftermiddag blev taget i ed som landets præsident for de kommende 4 år.

Det skriver den engelsk-sprogede argentinske nyhedstjeneste Buenos Aires Herald.

Hendes godt 70 minutter lange tale rummede imidlertid også overraskelser. Ikke mindst, at hun advarede det største farforbund mod at strejke. Forbundet blev i hendes første præsidentperiode anset for at være en allieret, og det peronistiske parti er historisk tæt knyttet til fagbevægelsen.

She also made a strong plea to the Argentine judiciary so all human rights violators in the last dictatorship are taken to trial.

She urged union leaders to be “responsible” and warned that she would not allow them to “extort” her by threatening to go on strike and staging protests.

Fernández de Kirchner also explained that her administration’s “great challenge” is to improve competitiveness, for which she announced the creation of two state secretariats, the Foreign Trade Secretariat, and the Undersecretary of Competitiveness, which will be part of the Economy Ministry.

As she opened her speech, she said that on the International Day of Human Rights,Saturday, the international organization in charge of naming stars in outer space had chosen the name of a disappeared student from the University of La Plata to identify an asteroid.

Fernández de Kirchner 58, won the October 23rd elections in a landslide victory, gathering an impressive 54 percent of votes and consolidating herself as the single most powerful woman in Argentina.
Fernández second term ends December 10th, 2015.