I dag har vi opbrugt Jordens ressourcer for i år

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Alle de ressourcer, planeten har til rådighed, er opbrugt fra og med tirsdag, og resten af året opbygger vi via vores forbrug økologisk gæld. Den såkaldte Earth Overshoot Day er beregnet til at være 19. august i 2014, en dag tidligere end 2013.

August 19 is Earth Overshoot Day 2014, marking the date when humanity has exhausted nature’s budget for the year, writes Footprint Network Tuesday.

For the rest of the year, we will maintain our ecological deficit by drawing down local resource stocks and accumulating carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. We will be operating in overshoot.

Just as a bank statement tracks income against expenditures, Global Footprint Network measures humanity’s demand for and supply of natural resources and ecological services.

And the data is sobering. Global Footprint Network estimates that approximately every eight months, we demand more renewable resources and C02 sequestration than what the planet can provide for an entire year.

Earth Overshoot Day is the annual marker of when we begin living beyond our means in a given year.

While only a rough estimate of time and resource trends, Earth Overshoot Day is as close as science can be to measuring the gap between our demand for ecological resources and services, and how much the planet can provide.

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