NGO: Verdensbanken bør tage konsekvensen af egen rapport

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I november konkluderede en rapport fra Verdensbanken, at verden er på vej mod en stigning i den globale temperatur på 4 grader i 2100, og derfor bør banken arbejde for at lade fossile brændstoffer blive i undergrunden i stedet for at fortsætte med at støtte projekter, der forværrer udviklingen, mener NGO.

Det skriver skov- og miljøorganisationen FERN i sit seneste nyhedsbrev.

As long as we fail to reduce consumption (forbrug) of fossil fuels, efforts to protect forests and other ecosystems are like fastening a seatbelt after plunging over the cliff.

According to a new World Bank report, “Turn Down the Heat,” fully implementing current climate mitigation commitments and pledges (forpligtelser og løfter om at mindske klimaforandringer) will set us on course of a 3.5°C to 4°C increase by 2100.

The same report puts schemes to reduce emissions (udledninger) from deforestation and degradation (REDD) in perspective by explaining what a 4°C world would mean for the world’s forests.

The impacts of a ‘4°C World’ are predicted to be extremely serious: humid tropical forests are expected to contract to 25 per cent of the original size (with a 2°C increase, 75 per cent can likely be preserved); there will also be large-scale forest dieback in the boreal-temperate (sub-arktisk) system because of heat and drought.

Even at 2°C, forests in the Indochina peninsula (halvø) will be at risk of die-back. At 4°C, the area of concern grows to include central Sumatra, Sulawesi, India and the Philippines, where up to 30 per cent of the total humid tropical forest niche could be threatened by forest retreat.

Forests in the Amazon are likely to be preserved under warming, but at 4°C warmer, more than half may be lost.

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