Ny leder for Danske Handicaporganisationers internationale virke

Forfatter billede

Høyen kom til DH i januar 2013 fra en stilling i Save the Children (Red Barnet) i Uganda. I de første knap tre år hos DH har han arbejdet som rådgiver og programmedarbejder samt medvirket i opbygningen af afdelingen.

Han har været centralt placeret i at udvikle afdelingens strategiske planer og kan nu fortsætte denne opgave som afdelingsleder efter sin tiltræden 1. oktober 2015.

44-årige Kristian Høyen har gode erfaringer og kompetencer med sig fra sine 10 år i Red Barnet.

Her har han bl.a. haft ansvar for en lang række af organisationens nødhjælpsprojekter og udviklingsprogrammer, været udsendt som partnerskabs-rådgiver og varetaget midlertidige ledelsesopgaver i programafdelingen (mere neden for).

Høyen er kandidat fra Roskilde Universitetscenter (RUC) i 2001 i international udvikling og historie.

Privat bor han i københavnerbydelen Valby og har således nemt med tog til DHs hovedkvarter på Blekinge Boulevard ved den store regionale station i Høje Taastrup på Københavns vestegn.

Forgængeren flytter til Aarhus

Marianne Frederiksen fortsætter i DH som chefkonsulent i international afdeling, men har efter eget ønske valgt at give lederopgaven videre, da hun vil flytte tilbage til Aarhus.

Hun blev ansat som afdelingsleder for tre år siden og har stået i spidsen for den organisatoriske opbygning af afdelingen, som fulgte efter at DH blev godkendt af Danida som rammeorganisation og fik ansvar for en ny stor pulje til medlemsorganisationernes arbejde.

Danske Handicaporganisationer blev en af de nu 17 rammeorganisationer fra 1. januar 2013.

DH er en paraply for 32 handicaporganisationer, der tilsammen har ca. 330.000 medlemmer.

DH har ansvar for en pulje, som kan søges af medlemsorganisationerne til deres udviklingsaktiviteter. Puljen er i 2015 på 42 millioner kr.

Man kan læse mere på http://www.handicap.dk

Mere om Kristian Høyen

(uddrag fra nettjenesten linkedin)

Having worked in the area of humanitarian and development assistance for 13 years, I have acquired professional experience from a range of countries affected by poverty, violence and instability, including Bolivia, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan and Uganda.

I feel very strongly about using a rights-based approach to development and humanitarian work, and in my various job capacities over the years I have strived to promote the rights of refugees, vulnerable children and persons with disabilities, respectively.


Head of International Department
Disabled People's Organisations Denmark (DPOD)
oktober 2015 – I dag (2 måneder)Danmark
•    Overall responsible for DPOD's international development portfolio, including four country programmes under the Danida Framework Agreement (Uganda, Rwanda, Ghana and Nepal)
•    Overall responsible for the management of the Disability Fund, i.e. a Danida-funded development grant facility for DPOD's member organisations
•    Representing DPOD vis-à-vis donors, government officials and other development actors, both domestically and in relevant countries of operation
•    Manager for 10 employees, of which 7 staff are HQ-based and 3 staff are based in DPOD's country offices
•    Member of DPOD's Management Team and Collaboration Committee
•    Permanent Secretary to DPOD's Forum for Development Strategy
Adviser & Coordinator
Disabled People's Organisations Denmark (DPOD)
januar 2013 – september 2015 (2 år 9 måneder)Danmark
•    Advising DPOD's member organisations on programme design, budgeting and monitoring of international development interventions under the Disability Fund
•    Coordinating strategic development and planning processes related to DPOD's international programme portfolio and advocacy engagement
•    Representing DPOD towards Danida and other Danish development actors
•    Liaising with international counterparts within the global disability community
•    Contributing to capacity building initiatives among the internationally engaged members of the Danish disability movement
•    Preparing DPOD for management of EuropeAid grants
•    Employee representative vis-à-vis the management (SU- & tillidsrepræsentant)

Partnership Adviser & Acting Programme Director
Save the Children International
januar 2011 – december 2012 (2 år)
•    Revising Save the Children in Uganda's Partnership Policy & Guidelines
•    Advising the Country Director and the Senior Management Team on partnership issues
•    Coordinating and facilitating partner assessment and selection processes
•    Supporting strategic relationships with civil society partners and networks
•    Liaising with government authorities, embassies and the EU
•    Facilitating and coordinating capacity development for partners and staff
•    Managing partner suspension and termination processes
•    Acting as Programme Director (Aug-Sept. 2012)

Deputy Head of Section
Save the Children Denmark
oktober 2009 – december 2010 (1 år 3 måneder)
•    Day-to-day management of 7 programme staff
•    Oversight and quality assurance of humanitarian and development programmes in a dozen countries of operation
•    Contributing to the strategic development of Save the Children Denmark’s programme portfolio
•    Representing Save the Children Denmark nationally and internationally, including towards donors, partners and government authorities
•    Participating in the recruitment of new staff for HQ and field positions
•    Coordinating planning and budgeting processes with other departments within the organisation

Programme Coordinator
Save the Children Denmark
juli 2005 – september 2009 (4 år 3 måneder)
•    Coordinating and monitoring humanitarian and development projects in Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Angola, Sudan (Darfur) and Sierra Leone
•    Developing concepts, proposals and budgets for new humanitarian and development interventions in various countries of operation
•    Giving technical and operational support to country programmes and partners
•    Liaising with relevant host government authorities, UN agencies and donors, including the EU
•    Providing input to country strategies and thematic plans
•    Responsible for documentation of best practices in relevant countries
•    Overseeing recruitment, training and deployment of emergency standby team members

Associate Programme Coordinator
Save the Children Denmark
oktober 2003 – juni 2005 (1 år 9 måneder)
•    Providing support to country programmes engaged in humanitarian responses in Africa and Asia
•    Contributing to development of concept notes, budgets and proposals
•    Reviewing narrative, financial and audit reports
•    Drafting communications on emergencies and humanitarian responses
•    Maintaining contact with seconded humanitarian staff
•    Contributing to development of staff safety and security procedures
•    Handling external inquiries about Save the Children Denmark’s humanitarian responses

Danish Refugee Council
marts 2002 – september 2003 (1 år 7 måneder)
•    Supporting the coordination, logistics and editing of a conference paper in connection with an international ECHO-funded conference on forgotten humanitarian crises
•    Responsible for establishment of a data base and an electronic filing system for programme-related documents
•    Editor of a country profile publication on Somalia
Frivilligt arbejde: erfaring og interesseområder
Contact person for refugees previously subjected to torture
Danish Refugee Council / Dansk Flygtningehjælp
december 2014 – I dag (1 år)Menneskerettigheder


Roskilde Universitetscenter / Roskilde University
Master of Social Science, International Development Studies and History
1992 – 2001
Field work conducted in Thailand and Tanzania. Internship with the Danish Refugee Council.

Advanced studies in Conflict Resolution at the European Peace University programme (EPU) in Castellón, Spain.