Dansk chefskifte i Dar – Flentø tager over

Forfatter billede

52-årige Johnny Flentø, der har været “vor mand” i Tanzanias naboland mod syd, Mozambique, tog over fra Danida-veteranen Bjarne H. Sørensen. Han går på pension efter fire et halvt år i Dar og næsten 33 års virke i diplomatiet.

Johnny Flentø er uddannet cand.merc. og har været i Danida siden 1984 kun afbrudt af et enkelt års tjenestefrihed. Det er således en erfaren og kyndig mand, der sætter sig i chefstolen i ambassadekomplekset på Ghana Avenue i den store havneby efter den hjemdragende Bjarne H. Sørensen.

Den danske ambassade i Dar es Salaam skriver om ambassadørskiftet på sit netsted bl.a.:

Tuesday (29. November 2011) Danish ambassador to Tanzania, Mr. Bjarne H. Sorensen (64), said his official goodbyes to H. E. President Jakaya M. Kikwete. Mr. Sorensen has been Denmark’s ambassador to Tanzania since June 2007 and witnessed the growth of a less aid dependent Tanzania.

The friendship between Tanzania and Denmark is one of Denmark’s oldest and most durable in Africa. Diplomatic relations between the two countries are nearly as old as the Republic of Tanzania itself. Although relations have primarily focussed on aid cooperation, the last decade focus has also been on business, culture and investments.

During the last five years, Ambassador Sorensen has among other things chaired the General Budget Support Donor Group as well as hosted an official visit to Tanzania by Her Majesty Queen Margrethe II of Denmark and her husband the Prince Consort.

Ambassadør i fem “tungelande

For the last 17 years Mr. Sorensen has served as ambassador to five different countries including the latest five years in Tanzania.

Coming from a background in engineering, it was not in the cards that Mr. Sorensen would have a carrier as an ambassador to several countries in Africa and Asia. Yet, his resume reveals ambassador posts in Egypt, South Africa, India and Vietnam besides Tanzania.

Tanzania has been one of the main recipients of Danish development assistance in Mr. Sorensen’s time. Under his five years of administration, the Danish embassy has disbursed (udbetalt) approximately 477,4 million US dollar (omkring 2,3 milliarder DKR) to Tanzania.

This money has primarily been spent on health, roads, private sector development and as general budget support. Mr. Sorensen says that the “Tanzanian economy has shown signs of a shift towards a decreased dependence of aid. A combination of high economic growth and increased tax revenues means Tanzania’s economy is stronger today than it was when I arrived five years ago”.

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He expresses great hopes for the recent gas findings and the impact it can have on Tanzania’s economy:

“During the next twenty years, I hope Tanzania will be able to move up the steps on the economic ladder and look to a future beyond receiving development assistance. However, it is important that the surplus from the gas findings benefits the population in general and that the extraction does not harm the beautiful Tanzanian nature and the local societies in the areas.”

Besides his busy work at the embassy, Mr. Sorensen has also been a keen fan of the hospitality of the Tanzanian people and the magnificent Tanzanian nature.

On several occasions the ambassador has enjoyed fishing and watching the bird- and wildlife throughout Tanzania.

His good relations to the Tanzanian government officials, as well as his many years of experience, have ensured that the good, strong Tanzanian-Danish partnership is better than ever.

The ambassador’s hope for the future is that Tanzania and Denmark will remain good friends and continue to work together for growth and prosperity for all in Tanzania, the text concludes.

Se også http://www.u-landsnyt.dk/nyhed/04-12-11/tanzania-blir-50-ar-1-pa-vej-mod-mere-demokrati-og